Every soul has a divine purpose & certain unique characteristics. You will be amazed to know that every soul has a specialization. It is not a specialization like MBA in marketing or any medical branch but it is a unique blend of qualities by which a soul operates in day to day life. Knowing our soul specialization gives us a deeper understanding about our divine qualities.
Every Soul on our planet has its own journey. We learn, re-learn and de-learn in this lifetime from our experiences. Amazingly! Every Soul has to lean some lessons in this lifetime to evolve and grow. Yes! Its true our souls are in a class known as “life”. Every soul’s lessons are mentioned in our Akashics records. Knowing our Soul’s lessons helps us to understand why we face specific circumstances and situations in our life. This awareness bring get understanding and a new perspective to our life. The good news is all these information are present in your Akashic records.